With DOOM Eternal approaching release faster than a horde of Pinky Demons, we thought it would be a good time to celebrate by referencing some clever and funny memes based on the DOOM franchise.

These picks are guaranteed to tickle your funny bone, and they definitely deserve a shout-out! Hopefully this brightens your day, and gets you excited for the release of the next big DOOM title!


This is one very clever meme, but for those who don't know their history too well, perhaps a quick lesson is in order. The Zimmerman Telegram was a top-secret document sent from the German Foreign Office suggesting an alliance between Germany and Mexico in January 1917. It promised the return of Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas to Mexico in exchange for helping to battle U.S. forces.

The Brits managed to intercept the telegram and crack its contents, helping fuel America's drive to enter the war. That's precisely what happened on April 6th, and the rest is history. Coincidentally, the image this meme is referencing was one of the last great hidden secrets in DOOM II. Hopefully that explains it better.


Everyone can agree that DOOM's soundtrack is perfect. Mick Gordon took heavy metal and infused it with gothic terror to produce one of the most blood-pumping and badass soundtracks ever recorded. In fact, the decision to omit his soundtrack in favor of rap for a recently released DOOM Eternal trailer has sparked outrage among the diehard fan base, proving how iconic the music truly is.

It's nice to see this couple wasting no time in starting their kid off on the right path! Kudos to you, Sir and Madam!


Never mind the absolutely and totally absurd hilarity of suggesting that a reporter might have the stones to actually cover such an event in the field, but the headline says it all.

This meme is good for more than a few chuckles as DOOM Guy decides to take out the trash the only way he knows how - by aiming down the sights. Talk about record TV ratings!


While the BFG 9000 is the most recognized weapon in all of video gaming, there comes a time when you're forced to wonder what comes next. How do you top the most infamous gib-gun in the universe?

Simple. You turn your sights on its cataclysmic big brother! DOOM Guy certainly looks as if he's feeling the magic all over again! Now, about those ammo packs.


For the less violent blue-collar worker in all of us, there's this clever take on the DOOM title. Just flip that sucker upside down, and you've changed the nature of the entire game! Besides, someone is going to have to rebuild the world after punishing the denizens of Hell.

Luckily, that trusty chainsaw has proven its mettle in countless fights against the forces of darkness. A little bit of oil and some polish, and that bad boy is ready to start harvesting! Someone rent a flat-bed. We're going to be here a while!


Monstrous CyberDemons? No problem. Bone-chilling Arachnotrons? Please! Nightmarish Hell Knights? Save your insults! There's only one thing that can possibly defeat DOOM Guy, and it's this variation on the classic Doot Doot meme.

This meme has quite a lot of internet history behind it, and it shows no signs of going away anytime soon. In fact, it's an integral part of the upcoming Rip and Tear pre-order pack for DOOM Eternal, because of course it is!


This one offers up a ton of laughs! For those who don't know, Flex Tape is an actual product sold as "strong, rubberized waterproof tape," and designed to go the distance. The company behind Flex Tape has openly embraced a ton of funny memes about the product, which is charming in and of itself.

If Flex Tape can patch up a crack in a pool filled with water, then we're sure it can handle this job just as well, if not better. Beats having to time your rocket salvos with the slowest moving elevator pillar in all of history.


There's always someone asking questions better left unanswered, and it seems John Romero agrees. The problem is that gamers everywhere are now plagued with a desire to learn the answer to a question they never wanted to ask in the first place!

Better to keep this particular mystery where it is, and not be so inclined to ponder the functional purpose of strange demonic orifices! We prefer to think it's an air intake valve, and we're sticking to that.

This is a solid meme for anyone who has ever used a badass photo (that isn't them) to represent their digital online profiles. Naturally, we'll attempt to paint ourselves in the coolest light possible, but at the end of the day, your physical ID never lies.

That being said, DOOM Guy has a passport photo that nobody is going to make fun of. We're quite sure he'd make it through customs without an issue.


Simple logic prevails with this meme. Who can deny it? Granted, you'll only agree if you think heaven is going to end up a bore-fest with nothing to do. Also, if you played DOOM games all your life, you might be thinking that your chances of taking the elevator upwards are probably slim to begin with.

Oh well! At least your FPS skills will serve you well. The real question is how to commandeer a Cacodemon and take it for a ride. Come to think of it, it's one of the coolest things you can ride! Why has nobody ever thought of this before?

NEXT: 10 Awesome Games to Play While You Wait For Doom Eternal