Traditional Chinese Beef Noodle Soup Recipe

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If you're looking for a comfort food dish the whole family unit will beloved, try this recipe for Chinese beef noodle soup.

In that location is nothing quite then comforting and satisfying as a bowl of steaming beef noodle soup. The tender bites of beef and chewy noodles in a savory, aromatic goop volition warm you through and through. Chinese beef noodle soup (niu rou mian 牛肉麵) is popular beyond the globe, from a spot in Bangkok that's been simmering its soup for 45 years to a popular-up in California that sells beef noodle soup kits with 8-hour cooked goop.

My dad (baba 爸爸) created a recipe that might non have the total depth of flavor as these long-cooked soups, only it'southward quick and easy— and nevertheless the perfect comfort nutrient. Chinese beef noodle soup was i of the most requested dishes in my domicile growing upward, and Baba honed this family recipe over the years for maximum efficiency and flavor. (Bao buns are another favorite family unit recipe.)

How to Make Chinese Beef Noodle Soup

In 1949, my dad's family fled China for Taiwan later the Communist Revolution, as did over a million others. Later on seven years in Taiwan, the family lived in a number of dissimilar places earlier my dad moved to the U.S. His recipe is informed both by his roots and past what's fresh and readily available in America.

Accommodate the level of spice and table salt to match your family's tastes, and you'll take a dish anybody will clamor for!


  • 1-1/2 pounds beef chuck roast, cutting into 2-in. cubes
  • 1 tablespoon dried blood-red peppercorn
  • 3-v slices ginger
  • 2 tablespoons Shaoxing cooking wine
  • 1/2 cup soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon saccharide (rock sugar, turbinado sugar or honey)
  • five star anise pods
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1-2 whole scallions, roots cut off
  • 1-three teaspoons chili bean paste, depending on preferred spice level
  • two-v stale chiles, depending on preferred spice level
  • 4 cups water
  • three cups root vegetables, cut into 2-in. cubes (my family uses half carrots and half daikon radish)
  • Salt, to sense of taste
  • Scallion and/or cilantro for garnish
  • Noodles of your choice

Tools You lot'll Need


Step ane: Infuse the oil with peppercorn

Rut oil in a pot on medium-low and add dried peppercorn.

Stir a few minutes until the peppercorns are nighttime brown and fragrant. This is the season that makes your tongue tingle slightly, and makes the kitchen olfactory property so appealing. Before the peppercorn burns, use a straining spoon to have it out, or pour the oil and peppercorn over a strainer, and transfer the fragrant oil back into the pot.

Stride 2: Saute the ginger and beefiness

Turn the rut to medium-loftier and add slices of ginger and pieces of beef. Stir for about ten minutes until the beef is browned on all sides.

Step 3: Add together soy sauce, aromatics and water

Add cooking vino, soy sauce, sugar, scallions, star anise, bay leaves, dried chiles, chili bean paste and water to cover beefiness.

Bring to a eddy, then cover and simmer for xxx minutes.

Step 4: Prep and add together root vegetables

While your soup gains flavour and your beef cooks, skin and cut your root vegetables into chunks. The idea is for the beef and vegetables to exist a like size and shape once they're cooked.

Add together your root vegetables to the soup, comprehend, and turn the heat upwards briefly until the liquid boils again.

Step 5: Simmer

Turn to low and simmer for at least an hour. Really, the longer the soup can cook, the softer the beef and the more flavorful the goop will be. If you have a slow cooker, you can start this beef noodle soup in the forenoon before work and serve information technology at dinner. If you're using an Instant Pot, yous can do a quick version, pressure-cooking all the ingredients together for twoscore minutes.

Step 6: Brand the noodles

When the soup is almost set up, boil some h2o to make your noodles and chop up something green for garnish. I similar scallion and cilantro, though my dad is 1 of those people who tastes soap when eating cilantro, so I leave it off his bowl. Yous tin as well use watercress, babe spinach, bok choy or whatsoever greens you accept on hand.

How to Serve Chinese Beef Noodle Soup

Serve the soup in deep bowls with a splash of sesame oil on meridian. You can too add salt or more chili bean paste to match your palate. Pack up any leftovers (it will exist even more flavorful the next twenty-four hour period!) and finish up with a bowl of fruit for dessert.

Tips for Making Chinese Beef Noodle Soup

What is the all-time cut of beef to use?

You tin make Chinese beef noodle soup with a variety of cuts of meat. When time is tight, I purchase precut "beefiness for stew" (which is unremarkably chuck), but other popular choices are shank, brisket or tendon. I e'er savor it most when at that place's some fat or gristle to the meat. If the beefiness is as well lean and clean, it isn't able to blot the soup's flavors as well and can taste dry. If you prefer lean meat, interruption it down into smaller pieces after cooking so it can soak upwardly more than moisture.

What root vegetables should I use?

My family usually uses equal parts carrot and daikon, only I'g a big believer in using what you lot have and honey. Almost any root vegetable will work, similar turnips, potatoes or rutabaga—annihilation that tin can blot the soup'south aromatics and enhance the broth with its ain flavor, as well.

How can I brand Chinese beefiness noodle soup spicy?

My dad enjoys food with a kick (I'd say a spice level of 5 out of x) while I can hardly handle whatever (maybe a one!). That said, this broth is much better with at least a little rut, so I've included two ingredients (dried chiles and chili bean paste) to give the soup a subtle corporeality of spice. You can adjust the amounts to friction match your spice threshold.

What noodles practise I serve with Chinese beef noodle soup?

This dish works well with a multifariousness of noodle thicknesses. I like mine medium to wide and usually utilize dried noodles, but if you live near an Asian grocery store and take fresh noodles available, that will definitely make for a treat. Whatever noodles you apply, exist sure not to overcook them, as they'll continue to soften in the hot soup.

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