Accord Definition in a Picture the Same Thing Over and Over Again

How to Innovate New Vocabulary

When teaching a strange language, one of the primal things that we stumble upon is the introduction of new lexical patterns, new phrases and idiomatic expressions. Ensuring constant vocabulary enrichment with the learners is the fundamental principle to attain linguistic communication fluency and coherence. Hence, helping the learners to learn and grow their give-and-take stock in a stress free environment and have fun at the same fourth dimension is a challenge all of us — educators deal with.

There are different theories and practices about what the best style of vocabulary presentation is. All of them come non only from theory just from do as well. Hence, there is no definite truth here. All we need to know is that if it works for the learner then WELL DONE!

Existing Theories

CELTA course gives usa a very squeamish and structured way of vocabulary presentation — significant, pronunciation, form (MPF) . This is explained in the following way — teaching meaning is the beginning obligatory matter, every bit the learners should beginning empathize what the word means and so bargain with the form and shine its pronunciation. Pronunciation comes side by side as the give-and-take should exist articulated properly to be understood by the interlocutors, and the form is the last 1 in the list, as seeing the give-and-take written might hijack its pronunciation, because the students are not well versed in discussion stress and the pronunciation of certain letter of the alphabet combinations. This order, however, can be varied according to the linguistic communication level of the learners, the material presented and the aim of the job. For case, when working with B2 and higher level of learners we can accept the presentation stages in the following order: form, pronunciation, pregnant. At this level of language comprehension learners are less likely to make pronunciation mistakes and we tin really evidence the course and reinstate the pronunciation without working on the meaning first. This technique yet, is risky with low level learners, as they might pronounce the word incorrectly or become lost in the form, thus, prolonging the assimilation phase.

Some other theory suggests that having a context for vocabulary presentation is ever a must, as a lesson should not exist divided into different sections like vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading, writing, but it rather should be a unity where all language skill are intertwined with each other. This, existence true, does non negate the fact that sometimes we agree mere vocabulary sessions where having all the aspects included is non a must.

As nosotros know, there are dissimilar types of learners — visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. Though it is impossible to run into anybody'south needs all the time, we are trying to make sure each session contains material for each type of learner. It is worth mentioning here, that learners don't have to exist of a specific type, but can have certain aspects of each with i dominant type.

Let's take a closer expect at some applied points and choose the ones that will work well with the blazon of learners we are currently dealing with.

  • Realia

Using realia in grade when possible increases the take a chance of students remembering the targeted phrases with more than ease and more vividly. This works ameliorate with lower level vocabulary where we are working with not abstract notions. Topics like 'food, everyday objects, etc.' go well with this method. We can go further and go more creative by using realia to revise/recycle vocabulary by asking the students to name the objects, or bring the objects they want to know how to call in English to form, and mingle. This can get very noisy, fun and educational.

  • Pictures

In instance realia is hard to organize, pictures are ever there to help thanks to the wide multifariousness of Internet resources available nowadays. What I dearest pulling off during classes is trying to elicit an abstract phrase/idiom through a situational motion-picture show. It gives the students a chance to recall longer, use their creativity and result in very interesting phrases.Below there is ane of the idiomatic phrases I introduced during the class and students still think information technology — Don't cry over spilt milk.
dont cry over spilt milk Skyteach

First, the students brainstormed different phrases past looking at the moving picture. The but affair they knew was that it represents an idiomatic expression in English language and they had to attempt to guess it. After the students mentioned the primal words the phrase was revealed to them. Afterwards that, they started working with the pregnant and finding synonymous idiomatic expressions in their L1.

Similarly, posters and flashcards tin can exist very useful when working with visual learners. We can take a set of words to introduce with film flash cards (either printed or using slides).

  • Guessing the word from the context

This has been a great vocabulary introduction practise for quite a long time with different age groups, levels of target language comprehension and interests. One of the ways is to present a text to the students where the context leads to the understanding of the key word. Most textbooks apply this technique. Some other manner, is to show the target discussion in different sentences to enable the students grasp the meaning.  Checking whether the students have actually understood the meaning of the word or non is quite easy, past either request them to make their own sentences using the target word or elicit the translation of the word if anybody shares the same L1.

For case:

"Audi is a luxurious auto."

"Gucci is a more luxurious make than Gauge."

"They entered the elegant, newly decorated, and luxurious dining room."

This technique works nice with reading/writing type of learners. It can besides work with the auditory type if we decide to read the sentences out loud instead of presenting the learners with the written one.

  • Definitions

This is another well-versed way of introducing new vocabulary. One challenge that we, teachers, might have with this, is making sure that the definition is actually comprehensible. Sometimes dictionaries provide definitions that include a lot of unknown words, hence confusing the learners fifty-fifty more than. And so, it is our job to cull/adapt the definitions co-ordinate to the level of the learners to achieve a successful result.

An example of this I take come up across when teaching B1 level students was the phrase "to cutting downwards on something" ;

To cutting down on something to start using something less all-encompassing than previously

I adapted information technology like this — to first using something less than before

This technique can be quite squeamish for both reading/writing and auditory blazon of the learner depending on the way of its presentation.

  • Personalization

It is a fact that learners remember things better when nosotros give them strong associations. This tin can be examples from the real earth around the states (politics, celebrities, etc.), as well equally personalized examples on students or the instructor.

Allow's say, you want to teach the phrase "to get on well with someone" . Something like this tin definitely work;

"My sister and I understand each other very easily. Nosotros have the same interests, the same hobbies, the same stance near unlike things and nosotros never fight. We go on well with each other ."

We can either utilise the target phrase like it was in the instance and enquire the students to guess the significant, or leave the infinite blank and permit the students gauge the phrase itself. The second fashion works meliorate in revision sessions though.

  • Detect the word

This one is my personal favourite.

Let's say we are going to innovate 4 words ; reliable, arrogant, showy, trustworthy

We tin can create a filigree with the words, cutting them in half, and give to the students;

How to Introduce Skyteach
The students should try to discover the right ancestry and endings for the words knowing that there are just four words to compile.

This tin exist a little time consuming, but information technology gives the students a chance to compile the words on their own, hence, they work with word structure, practice their background knowledge and having and so much exposure to the target words enables them to think them ameliorate.

  • Graphs

This approach is a very dainty way to help assimilate the target word/phrase easier and in a full package. Four categories are used to help the learner grasp the meaning of the word and its usage; synonym, antonym, example, not-example . The graph below represents information technology more clearly.

This is a full and exhaustive way of dealing with the discussion at paw. To brand it more challenging, we can upgrade the students' linguistic communication and introduce the part of speech differences of the give-and-take as well.

Let's say we are education the word 'interesting' . The rank volition go as follows

Noun — an involvement (n.)

Verb — to interest (5.)

Adjective — interesting, interested (adj.)

Adverb — Interestingly (adv.)

At the same time, context and/or instance sentences can be provided with these 4 words which will result in the students' assimilating 4 words instead of 1.

  • Ranking

This is another way of introducing sets of words. As nosotros know, learning unlike shades of meaning is an effective way to enrich the students word-stock faster and help them understand the usage of each in a respective context. Though ranking is known to exist a toll for vocabulary practice, it tin also be used to challenge the students groundwork noesis and language feeling in general. Of course, hither the level of the students is crucial, equally we cannot demand A1 or A2 levels to have the that linguistic feeling.

Ranks work well with adjectives and adverbs quite nicely. Adverbs, however, can also be introduced with percentages as it is done in most textbooks (always — 100%, never — 0%).

Always-often-sometimes-occasionally-seldom/hardly ever-never

How to Introduce New Vocabulary Skyteach

  • Classification

This is another manner of introducing new language in Test-Teach-Test format. It can be equally simple as request the learners to classify the target words into respective columns ( ways of transport, food, clothes, etc. ), to parts of speech.

This also requires a lot of exposure to the linguistic communication where the students accept a chance to look at the target words/phrases more than once, try to pronounce them correctly, use their background knowledge, their guy feeling. As mentioned, things which people achieve themselves and are non handed, stick in the long-term memory.

  • Translation

Foreign language specialists, trainers, educators, instructors volition agree that translation is not the all-time idea when working with a group of people trying to acquire a target linguistic communication. However, to me, it is not such a bad matter later on all. Quite the reverse, when used moderately and to the point, it can be quite helpful in the instruction process.

Sometimes at that place are ideas and abstract notions which are difficult to explicate in a target language and near to impossible when dealing with low level learners. Here the L1 comes to help.

This being true, we should not forget, that translation is to exist resorted only after we have tried all the possible ways to convey the significant of the discussion and failed. It tin can be used to clarify the understanding rather than reveal information technology from the showtime.

Anyways, in general, information technology's not a shame to have a good dictionary at hand and check the meaning of the words nosotros, as teachers might not have come up across withal. It creates a healthy learning environment if information technology's done moderately and once over again highlights the truth that learning is a lifelong process.

Alternatively, we can tell the students that we volition check the give-and-take and get back to them. We should not be surprised that the  students will accept our word for it and wait for the description next class. And so, information technology is important to go along our promises and get back to the students to reply their questions.

All of these said, it is worth pointing out that not all the techniques and methods volition piece of work with all types of groups and learners. Things that should be taken into business relationship are historic period of the learners, interests, previous exposure to the language, groundwork knowledge in general (this being a powerful tool when didactics in general, not just a language), their mother tongue, type of the learner and the means available at paw (applied science, resources).

Let's get creative and share more tools and techniques to facilitate vocabulary introduction. Looking frontward to your comments!


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